Sunday, February 24, 2013

Rodney's 2012 Oscar Wishlist (Part IV) -Music & All The Rest...

     Attentive blog-readers may have noticed a difference in blog-output between this February and last. Where last year's Oscar Wishlist was paced out through the whole month and culminated in my final post for Best Picture on the day of the Oscars, this year's list has been back-loaded and slower to role out for one primary reason: The Oscar Nominated Shorts. After seeing them, I knew I wanted to review them and include them in the Wishlist. And although I'm proud of my comprehensive reviews for each short... they took too much time away from the rest of the Wishlist. So what now?

     Not to worry blog-readers! Though I don't and won't have time for my usual commentary and spattering of photos for each of my Wishlist nominees, today I'll post my Oscar Wishlists for all of the remaining categories. Just as I posted last year, remember "The appropriate amount of nominees will not necessarily be listed for each category. This post isn't my way of filling out my own awards ballot, but rather my way of listing what each category is incomplete without.". Also, there are a multitude of awards-worthy potential nominees that didn't make Oscar's list and I won't include on mine as "must-haves", but that doesn't negate their quality. So just because something doesn't make the list does not necessarily mean that I didn't see it as "awards-worthy" or "quality". And with all that said, here is the remainder of Rodney's 2012 Oscar Wishlist and happy Oscar-watching everyone (ABC at 7:00 PM EST)!


   *Each song's title is linked to its YouTube Video.

       Freedom -Django Unchained
       Who Did That To You -Django Unchained
       Suddenly -Les Miserables
       Pi's Lullaby -Life of Pi
       Skyfall -Skyfall

WINNER: Skyfall -Skyfall


     Anna Karenina
     Beasts of the Southern Wild
     Cloud Atlas
     Life of Pi

WINNER: Cloud Atlas


     Beasts of the Southern Wild
     The Perks of Being a Wallflower
     Silver Linings Playbook

WINNER: Lincoln
     *with Silver Linings Playbook being a VERY close second.


     Keep the Lights On
     Moonrise Kingdom



     Kelly Reilly -Flight
     Imogeen Poots -A Late Quartet
     Anne Hathaway -Les Miserables

WINNER: Anne Hathaway -Les Miserables


     Dwight Henry -Beasts of the Southern Wild
     Christoph Waltz -Django Unchained
     Tom Holland -The Impossible
     Michael Fassbender -Prometheus
     Robert DeNiro -Silver Linings Playbook

WINNER: Dwight Henry -Beasts of the Southern Wild

     *It's worth noting that there are two actresses that should be on this list beyond any shadow of a doubt, but due to the rules regarding the eligibility of festival-run films and foreign releases, neither is eligible for 2012's Oscars as far as I can understand. They are Lauren Ambrose -About Sunny (formerly titled Think of Me) and Nadezhda Markina -Elena.

     Emmanuelle Riva -Amour
     Quvenzahane Wallis -Beasts of the Southern Wild
     Naomi Watts -The Impossible
     Marion Cotillard -Rust & Bone
     Jennifer Lawrence -Silver Linings Playbook

WINNER: Emmanuelle Riva -Amour


     Jean Loius Trintignant -Amour
     Denzel Washington -Flight
     Hugh Jackman -Les Miserables
     Daniel Day Lewis -Lincoln
     Joaquim Phoenix -The Master

WINNER: Daniel Day Lewis -Lincoln
     *It's worth noting that Washington and Jackman gave career-besting and two of the most exiting performances of the year in their respective films. Bradley Cooper (who would have been my 6th nominee) also gave a career-best performance this year in Silver Linings Playbook.


     Michael Haneke -Amour
     Benh Zeitlin -Beasts of the Southern Wild
     Robert Zemeckis -Flight
     Tom Hooper -Les Miserables
     David O. Russell -Silver Linings Playbook

WINNER: Michael Haneke -Amour
     *With O. Russell being my 2nd choice and more likely to actually win tonight than Haneke. Also, if there had been a 6th nominee it would have been Ira Sachs for his work on Keep The Lights On.

     *With only 5 nominees as God intended. But just as I said last year, if I were a blasphemous man (which I am not), my 6th nominee would have been Flight.

     Beasts of the Southern Wild
     Les Miserables


     Unlike last year when most of my picks weren't even Oscar nominees, many of my choices this year will be in contention tonight. So don't forget to watch and cheer on Amour to Oscar gold!

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